Going, went, gone !


Yes! Fireplace time again!

No matter how old you are, it is always good to play with fire.
Today is the first day in the season to use our fireplace again. Great!
Unfortunately the real reason for using the fireplace again is the damn cold wheather. Not so great.

sent from blackberry


Little girl

Got some ebaystuff in today. Forgot I ordered a piercing for my little girl as well. Boy they grow up fast!

sent from blackberry



Infact I heard it through the grapevine already last Friday but today Camiel called me himself.
He had been treated years back already but this time doctors had to give up. Camiel sounded exactly like he did every other time we met. Nothing special in his voice...
In short he explained that the doctors said it is a matter of months. He himself said it felt more like a matter of days.
He thanked me for the goodtimes we had and asked me to inform my Mum since she had always showed a lot of interest in his wellbeing.
It was hard to talk to him. Especially since he was so down to earth about it.
Life was 1 hard lesson for him I think. His Mum already passed away when we were still in school. Always in trouble with his Dad who passed away only recently. Since young he has been diabetic and a long history with cancer. Nothing seemed to come easy for him but he worked hard to get what he wanted.
In a way he is happy he won't leave behind any kids although I senced a bit of regret there. He is good with kids, I noted that whenever he came over to our place. Also to his sisters kids he was like the naughty uncle, the Dad that every child wants.
Never the less, he lived a happy life. He ended up with a very nice girlfriend, Carolien and travelled around a lot with his Harley and van, from 1 bikemeeting to the other.
He left me with the message to go and live and enjoy because people don't do that anymore.
Today Camiel called me to say goodbye.
May God have mercy on him in his final days here and on his soul when the time is there.

Vaya con Dios Amigo! You won't be forgotten.

Picture: Class of 1980. Insert is Camiel. Chinese guy top right is Danny Liem, guy top left Jan Willem van Ommeren. Both passed away years ago.

Good guy

Hessel turned 50 years old last week.
A real guy with real character. Don't find many of those around anymore.
Wish you another 50 in good health Hes!


Typical Sunday

Went out for a bike ride today with Harold. Met up with the girls and kids in a playground diner place for some lunch.

After that played some soccer with Layton, Jesse and Perry. When the ball got stuck on the roof Jesse voluntered to go get it.

Dinner at the Mac

Purdy damn cold today...


Electrics redone

Mathew, some guy who got my cousin pregnant, helped me out with the electricity at home. Basically he ripped it all out and renewed the whole thing.
Good thing though since now the place is much more safe.

@Kayl: Mat also fixed the lights in your room.

ps: Before I get accused of breaking up the family again... Mat married my cousin before he got her pregnant.


Jesse owns the E-savage

Whenever we can we go racing after dinner.
I heard the shopguy saying many times that these cars are not for kids but Jesse at 3 years old drives his savage like there is no tomorrow.
Makes me a proud dad!
sent from blackberry



The boss ran into a new trailer and thought it would come in handy.
Thank you!

sent from blackberry


Star Festival 2008

Cheaks was out there yesterday. Last evening was the evening that we met up with a shitload of friends.

I don't go out much at all so it is extra nice to meet up with guys and galls after long time.

Met with Marina again, the sister of Jack, one of my best buds. Jack himself was in Belgium trying to get himself dry and warm after a bikeride.

There was loads of beer, cheap mixes, horrible wine and Danny brought Bacardi from home. (Good thinking D! and thanks for sharing)

Although planning to get waisted (as if that didn't already happen in Frankfurt last week) I ended up seeing clear and driving about 15persons in my car to the local pub at 2am to get some real drinks.

Results: Alice waisted for the 1st ime in her life, Perry dragged home by his wife, Cheaks got dropped of by Corine (bless that good woman) per taxi at 5.30am and I was in bed by 3.

Today is a nice and quiet Sunday.


My brother bought his two daughters a horse. That is nice for a change since everybody has gotten fed up with his chickens, birds, rabbits, fish and god knows what else he keeps.

I'm not a horseguy myself but Ully, as it is called, looks impressive and Jordan does a nice job riding her at only 9years of age.


Female psychology

Cheaks is on the prowl again tonight. Left me with Kayleigh and Jesse.Had some talk, cause it wasn't a discussion from my side, about her outfit but felt very soon I would not be able to convince her to change.What is this gift that women have? To talk in a way that you (as a man) know it is best to just shut up.... And once you've shut up you'll notice soon that she will take your advice except she will say it is for different reasons. Best thing to do of course is to say nothing and just claim this little victory in silence.We men all know this female psychology thing they do on you every now and then. "Do you think my behind looks fat in these jeans?""No, not really""What do you mean? So you think I'm too fat..."A classic example of a no win situation.

Kayleigh is hanging here on the couch with me and Jesse is watching his dino movie for the gazillionth time. Nothing much more to lie about. Not even sure why I started this post.
O, Kayl just pointed out the use of CTRL A and CTRL V. Smartass kid! Told her to shut up cause she is only 15 and besides that she is a girl. Ha! Finally got a (young) woman to shut up.

CPhI 2008 Frankfurt

This week attended cphi worldwide again. Waisted a couple grand again on floorspace and stand. Man! I'm in the wrong business.
Anyway, had fun with our chinese friends, vietnamese colleagues and our favorite customer Bindi.

Women and driving

In Germany they have special parking places for women and they even warn you to stay clear so that your car doesn't get damaged.